[Top] [Contents] [Index] [ ? ]

Table of Contents

1. Copying
2. Introduction
3. Installation
3.1 Installing from RPM packages
3.2 Installing from DEB packages
3.3 Installing by compiling source code
4. Invoking dio87d
5. Invoking dio87c
6. Quick start
7. Configuration
7.1 Configuration to execute tasks on remote servers
7.2 Configure a computer to communicate with Diogene87
8. Management
8.1 Start the deamon
8.2 Telnet communication with the daemon
8.3 The communication utility
8.4 Stop the daemon
9. Tutorial
9.1 Jobs samples
9.2 Target creation
9.3 Queue creation
9.4 Referential creation
9.5 Job and task dependencies
9.5.1 A dependence between two jobs
9.5.2 Dependence types
9.5.3 Task dependencies
9.6 Planning
9.7 User identification
9.7.1 Commands families and user privileges
9.7.2 System accounts
9.7.3 User authentification
9.7.4 User managment
9.8 Variable
9.8.1 Variable managment
9.8.2 Use variable to control task planification Use variable to toggle task planification Use variable to select a task between three
9.8.3 Use variable as start condition
9.8.4 Use variable as parameters in paths and arguments
9.9 Activity log
9.10 Statistics
9.11 Cyclical tasks
9.12 Task synchronization
9.13 Start conditions
9.13.1 Manual condition
9.13.2 File condition
9.13.3 Hmin condition
9.13.4 Hmax condition
9.13.5 Hlate condition
9.13.6 If_equal and if_not_equal conditions
9.14 Day creation
9.14.1 Ponctual planification
9.14.2 Automated planification
9.14.3 Manual planification
9.15 Day deletion
9.15.1 Manual deletion of exploitation days
9.15.2 Automated deletion of exploitation days
10. Reference
10.1 More usuable commands
10.2 Command List by family
10.2.1 Connection commands
10.2.2 Message commands
10.2.3 User commands
10.2.4 Target and queue commands
10.2.5 Dependencies commands
10.2.6 Conditions commands
10.2.7 Variables commands
10.2.8 Log commands
10.2.9 Stat commands
10.2.10 Referential commands
10.2.11 Day commands
10.2.12 Task commands
10.2.13 Job commands
10.3 Command List
Command cc
Command check
Command ck
Command cl
Command ei
Command ejm
Command el
Command ese
Command etm
Command fa
Command fc
Command fk
Command fl
Command exit
Command help
Command ja
Command jc
Command ji
Command jk
Command jl
Command ldc
Command ldk
Command ldl
Command ldec
Command ldel
Command ltc
Command ltl
Command ltec
Command ltel
Command ljc
Command ljl
Command ljea
Command ljec
Command ljel
Command mc
Command memory
Command mk
Command ml
Command qa
Command qc
Command qi
Command qk
Command ql
Command qrtc
Command qrtl
Command qsd
Command qsm
Command qsn
Command qso
Command qxjc
Command qxjl
Command qxtc
Command qxtl
Command ra
Command rc
Command rd
Command ri
Command rja
Command rjc
Command rjda
Command rjdc
Command rjdk
Command rjdl
Command rji
Command rjk
Command rjl
Command rjsa
Command rjsd
Command rjsn
Command rjsoec
Command rjsp
Command rjst
Command rjswad
Command rk
Command rl
Command rp
Command rra
Command rrc
Command rrk
Command rrl
Command rroa
Command rroc
Command rrok
Command rrol
Command rrsn
Command rrom
Command rrsr
Command rrsy
Command rs
Command rsa
Command rsn
Command rta
Command rtca
Command rtcc
Command rtck
Command rtcl
Command rtc
Command rtd
Command rtda
Command rtdc
Command rtdk
Command rtdl
Command rti
Command rtk
Command rtl
Command rtoa
Command rtoc
Command rtok
Command rtol
Command rtom
Command rtsc
Command rtsd
Command rtse
Command rtsl
Command rtsn
Command rtsoec
Command rtsr
Command rtst
Command rtswad
Command rtsy
Command save
Command sjc
Command sji
Command sjl
Command src
Command srk
Command srl
Command stc
Command sti
Command stl
Command shutdown
Command ta
Command tc
Command ti
Command tk
Command tl
Command tsd
Command tsh
Command tsn
Command tso
Command tsp
Command ua
Command uc
Command ui
Command uk
Command ul
Command password
Command user
Command usp
Command va
Command vc
Command vi
Command vk
Command vl
Command vsv
Command version
Command xdc
Command xdi
Command xdk
Command xdl
Command xdsa
Command xdse
Command xjc
Command xjdc
Command xjdl
Command xjdu
Command xji
Command xjl
Command xjsa
Command xjse
Command xjsoec
Command xjswad
Command xjsp
Command xjst
Command xju
Command xtcc
Command xtc
Command xtcl
Command xtcv
Command xtdc
Command xtdl
Command xtdu
Command xti
Command xtl
Command xtse
Command xtsoec
Command xtswad
Command xtu

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